The Digital Dust Podcast
The Digital Dust Podcast is an ongoing collaborative project created by myself and three fellow public historians that discusses a variety of historical topics, from educating students about history to tips for young professionals and crash-courses on underrepresented and marginalized histories.

Stamping Out Diabetes Virtual Exhibit
I created a virtual exhibit in collaboration with Banting House National Historic Site to celebrate the launch of a commemorative stamp celebrating the 100th anniversary of the discovery of insulin. The exhibit uses archival documents, engaging visuals, and text all within an interactive digital format.​

The Vintage News
Part of Timera Inc. The Vintage News is a content-driven platform that features articles about popular history topics including vintage Hollywood, ancient history, history news, and more.

War History Online
Part of Timera Inc. War History Online specializes in history articles about major wars, military history, and news.

Rooted: Beausoleil Island Podcast
As part of my internship with historic research consulting company Know History, I created and lead my own public-facing podcast using oral history interviews, soundscapes, and archival materials to transport listeners to the breathtaking landscapes of Georgian Bay. ​

Historia Nostra - Guest Contributor
I have collaborated with Western University History PhD Candidate and Historia Nostra creator Erin Isaac to create two YouTube videos and blog posts exploring topics like oral history and colonialism in national parks.

CoVID Canada Digital Archive
In collaboration with A Journal of The Plague Year digital archive and the University of Arizona, I helped to create a digital archive and exhibit about the Canadian perspective of the COVID-19 pandemic using social media posts, news articles, photos, and videos.

2021 Canadian Country Music Awards Podcast
To celebrate the 2021 Canadian Country Music Awards in London, Ontario I collaborated with other local historians and content creators to research, write and produce a series of podcast episodes that explore significant moments in London's country music history.